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Open 7:30am – 5:30pm – M-F
Open 8:00am – 2:00pm – Sat.
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Want to hear me and another owner talk laundry? 

I’m serious!  We all have a little (or maybe a lot) of extra time on our hands.  There are only so many Netflix shows to watch.  You can check out the recording here.

Yes, the topic is laundry.  What detergents are the best?  Dryer sheets vs. dryer balls.  What detergent boosters seem to work?  Seriously.  Laundry.  It’s either that, or watch videos of squirrels eating on miniature picnic tables.  Share this with a friend if you like.  What has the world come to?

Derek and I love this business and like to share with others some of the knowledge that we have gained over the years.  This can help the laundry you do at home or if you are tired of taking the time to do it…..Sign-up-Now for our service.  We can come the next business day for a pick-up.

Talking laundry…who wold have thunk it?

Thanks for reading…….Kent Wales – Happy Laundry


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